Mental healthcare that meets your needs and schedule.

Taking time to focus on yourself and your health is never time wasted. When we take time to heal and nurture ourselves, we are better able to care for and nurture those around us. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


Do you only provide virtual therapy?

For now, yes. In the future we may look into brick and mortar locations. Our corporate services are provided with hybrid virtual and on-site interventions.

What types of therapy do you provide?

My background is largely cognitive behavioral and thusly will focus on identifying thoughts, feelings and behaviors in a given situation. I utilize evidence based practices such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). DBT was my first clinical love and I still utilize many of the mindfulness based principals it establishes. As a trauma informed therapist I also utilize Eye Movement Desentization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy and Flash to address and help individuals heal from trauma.

Do you take insurance?

Yes. I am an in-network provider with United Healthcare and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Benefit coverage varies widely. I can review your mental health coverage copays and deductibles to determine out of pocket cost to you. I also accept private pay and provide Superbilling for reimbursement from health insurance companies other than UHC and BCBS.

What is a Superbill?!

A Superbill is a document a clinician provides their client that contains all of the necessary information for them to file a claim with their insurance company for reimbursement for out-of-network services. Typically, one must pay their medical deductible before they will be reimbursed by their insurer. As an example, if you have a $1000 medical insurance deductible you will submit superbills to your insurer for them to document that you are making payments towards that deductible (all medical expenses go towards this deductible, not just mental health services). Once you have paid that deductible, your insurer will begin reimbursing you for 60% (or whatever your policy covers) of your service fees. In this example, for a $95 therapy session, you would be reimbursed $57 per session making your copay for services $38 for the remainder of that calendar year.

How do I know if virtual therapy is appropriate for me?

Much of the appropriateness for virtual therapy is client personal preference but there are some factors that would not be suited for virtual care. You need to have access to a safe, private place where you feel comfortable talking. Individuals with a history of self-harm, severe dysregulation, or severe addiction requiring medical detox are examples of things that may not be best suited for virtual care.

Do I have to live in Columbia to see you?

No, but you do need to live in Missouri to be covered under my licensure. I’m more than happy to meet virtually with anyone who lives within the state.


What age groups do you work with?

I love working with everyone in the family, but virtual therapy works best for individuals who are mature enough to participate in talk therapy, making it less appropriate for play-therapy aged kids (usually elementary school-aged and younger). With this in mind I work primarily with teens and adults who feel comfortable with a teletherapy format.